NetBackup 10.1.1 Status Codes
NetBackup 10.1.1 is the latest version backup and recovery software from Veritas Technologies. It has many status codes that can indicate different types of errors or issues. Here are a few of the most common status codes in NetBackup 10.1.1 and their meanings:
- Status code 0: The requested operation was successfully completed.
- Status code 1: The requested operation was partially successful.
- Status code 2: None of the requested files were backed up.
- Status code 14: File write failed.
- Status code 23: Socket read failed.
- Status code 25: Cannot connect on socket.
- Status code 41: Network connection timed out.
- Status code 50: Client process aborted.
- Status code 71: None of the files in the file list exist.
- Status code 156: Snapshot error encountered.
These are just a few examples of the many possible status codes in NetBackup 10.1.1. It’s important to check the NetBackup documentation or consult with technical support for more information on specific status codes and how to address them.
The following is a complete list of the NetBackup status codes that are listed in numerical order. This information is coming from Netbackup 10.1.1 Reference guide Status Codes.
Status Code | Messages |
0 | The requested operation was successfully completed. |
1 | The requested operation was partially successful. |
2 | none of the requested files were backed up |
3 | valid archive image produced, but no files deleted due to non-fatal problems |
4 | archive file removal failed |
5 | Restore failed completely. |
6 | User backup failed |
7 | The archive failed to back up the requested files |
8 | unable to determine the status of rbak |
9 | a necessary extension package is not installed or not configured properly |
10 | allocation failed |
11 | system call failed |
12 | file open failed |
13 | file read failed |
14 | file write failed |
15 | file close failed |
16 | unimplemented feature |
17 | pipe open failed |
18 | pipe close failed |
19 | getservbyname failed |
20 | invalid command parameter |
21 | socket open failed |
22 | socket close failed |
23 | socket read failed |
24 | socket write failed |
25 | cannot connect on socket |
26 | client/server handshaking failed |
27 | child process killed by signal |
28 | failed trying to fork a process |
29 | failed trying to exec a command |
30 | cannot get password information |
31 | could not set user ID for process |
32 | could not set group ID for process |
33 | valid archive image produced, but no files deleted due to non-fatal problems |
34 | failed waiting for child process |
35 | cannot make required directory |
36 | failed trying to allocate memory |
37 | operation requested by an invalid server |
38 | could not get group information |
39 | client name mismatch |
40 | network connection broken |
41 | network connection timed out |
42 | network read failed |
43 | unexpected message received |
44 | network write failed |
45 | request attempted on a non-reserved port |
46 | server not allowed access |
47 | host is unreachable |
48 | client host name could not be found |
49 | client did not start |
50 | Client process aborted |
51 | timed out waiting for database information |
52 | timed out waiting for media manager to mount volume |
53 | backup restore manager failed to read the file list |
54 | timed out connecting to client |
55 | permission denied by client during rcmd |
56 | client’s network is unreachable |
57 | client connection refused |
58 | can’t connect to client |
59 | access to the client was not allowed |
60 | client cannot read the mount table |
61 | the vnetd proxy encountered an error |
63 | process was killed by a signal |
64 | timed out waiting for the client backup to start |
65 | client timed out waiting for the continue message from the media manager |
66 | client backup failed to receive the CONTINUE BACKUP message |
67 | client backup failed to read the file list |
68 | client timed out waiting for the file list |
69 | invalid filelist specification |
70 | an entry in the filelist expanded to too many characters |
71 | none of the files in the file list exist |
72 | the client type is incorrect in the configuration database |
73 | bpstart_notify failed |
74 | client timed out waiting for bpstart_notify to complete |
75 | client timed out waiting for bpend_notify to complete |
76 | client timed out reading file |
77 | execution of the specified system command returned a nonzero status |
78 | afs/dfs command failed |
79 | unsupported image format for the requested database query |
80 | Media Manager device daemon (ltid) is not active |
81 | Media Manager volume daemon (vmd) is not active |
82 | media manager killed by signal |
83 | media open error |
84 | media write error |
85 | media read error |
86 | media position error |
87 | media close error |
88 | OpenStorage WORM lock error |
89 | problems encountered during setup of shared memory |
90 | media manager received no data for backup image |
91 | fatal NB media database error |
92 | media manager detected image that was not in tar format |
93 | media manager found wrong tape in drive |
94 | cannot position to correct image |
95 | Media ID is not assigned to this host in the EMM database |
96 | unable to allocate new media for backup, storage unit has none available |
97 | requested media ID is in use, cannot process request |
98 | error requesting media (tpreq) |
99 | NDMP backup failure |
100 | system error occurred while processing user command |
101 | failed opening mail pipe |
102 | failed closing mail pipe |
103 | error occurred during initialization, check configuration file |
104 | invalid file pathname |
105 | file pathname exceeds the maximum length allowed |
106 | invalid file pathname found, cannot process request |
107 | |
108 | Action succeeded but auditing failed |
109 | invalid date specified |
110 | Cannot find the NetBackup configuration information |
111 | No entry was found in the server list |
112 | Undefined error or there are no files specified in the policy backup selection. |
113 | |
114 | unimplemented error code |
115 | |
116 | VxSS authentication failed |
117 | VxSS access denied |
118 | VxSS authorization failed |
119 | |
120 | annot find configuration database record for requested NB database backup |
121 | no media is defined for the requested NB database backup |
122 | specified device path does not exist |
123 | specified disk path is not a directory |
124 | NB database backup failed, a path was not found or is inaccessible |
125 | a NetBackup catalog backup is in progress |
126 | NB database backup header is too large, too many paths specified |
127 | specified media or path does not contain a valid NB database backup header |
128 | NB database recovery failed, a process has encountered an exceptional condition |
129 | Disk storage unit is full |
130 | system error occurred |
131 | client is not validated to use the server |
132 | user is not validated to use the server from this client |
133 | invalid request |
134 | unable to process request because the server resources are busy |
135 | client is not validated to perform the requested operation |
136 | tir info was pruned from the image file |
137 | |
138 | |
139 | |
140 | User ID was not superuser |
141 | file path specified is not absolute |
142 | file does not exist |
143 | invalid command protocol |
144 | invalid command usage |
145 | daemon is already running |
146 | cannot get a bound socket |
147 | required or specified copy was not found |
148 | daemon fork failed |
149 | master server request failed |
150 | termination requested by administrator |
151 | |
152 | required value not set |
153 | server is not the master server |
154 | storage unit characteristics mismatched to request |
155 | disk is full |
156 | Snapshot error encountered |
157 | suspend requested by administrator |
158 | failed accessing daemon lock file |
159 | licensed use has been exceeded |
160 | Authentication failed |
161 | Evaluation software has expired. |
162 | incorrect server platform for license |
163 | media block size changed prior resume |
164 | unable to mount media because it is in a DOWN, or otherwise not available |
165 | NB image database contains no image fragments for requested backup id/copy number |
166 | backups are not allowed to span media |
167 | cannot find requested volume pool in EMM database |
168 | cannot overwrite media, data on it is protected |
169 | Media ID is either expired or will exceed maximum mounts |
170 | third party copy backup failure |
171 | media ID must be 6 or less characters |
172 | cannot read media header, may not be NetBackup media or is corrupted |
173 | cannot read backup header, media may be corrupted |
174 | media manager – system error occurred |
175 | not all requested files were restored |
176 | cannot perform specified media import operation |
177 | could not deassign media due to Media Manager error |
178 | Media ID is not in NetBackup volume pool |
179 | density is incorrect for the media ID |
180 | tar was successful |
181 | tar received an invalid argument |
182 | tar received an invalid file name |
183 | tar received an invalid archive |
184 | tar had an unexpected error |
185 | tar did not find all the files to be restored |
186 | tar received no data |
187 | |
188 | |
189 | the server is not allowed to write to the client’s file systems |
190 | found no images or media matching the selection criteria |
191 | no images were successfully processed |
192 | VxSS authentication is required but not available |
193 | VxSS authentication is requested but not allowed |
194 | the maximum number of jobs per client is set to 0 |
195 | client backup was not attempted |
196 | client backup was not attempted because backup window closed |
197 | the specified schedule does not exist in the specified policy |
198 | no active policies contain schedules of the requested type for this client |
199 | operation not allowed during this time period |
200 | The scheduler found that no backups are due. Or, the target hosts do not need to be upgraded. |
201 | handshaking failed with server backup restore manager |
202 | timed out connecting to server backup restore manager |
203 | server backup restore manager’s network is unreachable |
204 | onnection refused by server backup restore manager |
205 | cannot connect to server backup restore manager |
206 | access to server backup restore manager denied |
207 | error obtaining date of last backup for client |
208 | |
209 | error creating or getting message queue |
210 | error receiving information on message queue |
212 | error sending information on message queue |
213 | no storage units available for use |
215 | failed reading global config database information |
216 | failed reading retention database information |
217 | failed reading storage unit database information |
218 | failed reading policy database information |
219 | the required storage unit is unavailable |
220 | database system error |
221 | continue |
222 | done |
223 | an invalid entry was encountered |
224 | there was a conflicting specification |
225 | text exceeded allowed length |
226 | the entity already exists |
227 | no entity was found |
228 | unable to process request |
229 | events out of sequence – image inconsistency |
230 | the specified policy does not exist in the configuration database |
231 | schedule windows overlap |
232 | a protocol error has occurred |
233 | premature eof encountered |
234 | communication interrupted |
235 | inadequate buffer space |
236 | the specified client does not exist in an active policy within the configuration database |
237 | the specified schedule does not exist in an active policy in the configuration database |
238 | the database contains conflicting or erroneous entries |
239 | the specified client does not exist in the specified policy |
240 | no schedules of the correct type exist in this policy |
241 | the specified schedule is the wrong type for this request |
242 | operation would cause an illegal duplication |
243 | the client is not in the configuration |
245 | the specified policy is not of the correct client type |
246 | no active policies in the configuration database are of the correct client type |
247 | the specified policy is not active |
248 | there are no active policies in the configuration database |
249 | the file list is incomplete |
250 | the image was not created with TIR information |
251 | the tir information is zero length |
252 | An extended error status has been encountered, check detailed status |
253 | the catalog image .f file has been archived |
254 | server name not found in the NetBackup configuration |
256 | logic error encountered |
257 | failed to get job data |
258 | Vault duplication was aborted by administrator request |
259 | vault configuration file not found |
260 | failed to send signal |
261 | vault internal error 261 |
262 | vault internal error 262 |
263 | session ID assignment failed |
265 | session ID file is empty or corrupt |
266 | cannot find robot, vault, or profile in the vault configuration |
267 | cannot find the local host name |
268 | the vault session directory is either missing or inaccessible |
269 | no vault session ID was found |
270 | unable to obtain process id, getpid failed |
271 | vault XML version mismatch |
272 | execution of a vault notify script failed |
273 | invalid job id |
274 | no profile was specified |
275 | session is already running for this vault |
276 | invalid session ID |
277 | unable to print reports |
278 | unable to collect pre eject information from the API |
279 | eject process is complete |
280 | there are no volumes to eject |
281 | vault core error |
282 | cannot connect to nbvault server |
283 | error(s) occurred during vault report generation |
284 | error(s) occurred during vault report distribution |
285 | unable to locate vault directory |
286 | vault internal error |
287 | vault eject failed |
288 | vault eject partially succeeded |
289 | cannot consolidate reports of sessions from container and slot-based vaults |
290 | one or more errors detected during eject processing |
291 | number of media has exceeded capacity of MAP; must perform manual eject using vltopmenu or vlteject |
292 | eject process failed to start |
293 | eject process has been aborted |
294 | vault catalog backup failed |
295 | eject process could not obtain information about the robot |
296 | process called but nothing to do |
297 | all volumes are not available to eject |
298 | the library is not ready to eject volumes |
299 | there is no available MAP for ejecting |
300 | vmchange eject verify not responding |
301 | vmchange api_eject command failed |
302 | error encountered trying backup of catalog (multiple tape catalog backup |
303 | error encountered executing Media Manager command |
304 | specified profile not found |
305 | multiple profiles exist |
306 | Vault duplication partially succeeded |
307 | eject process has already been run for the requested Vault session |
308 | no images duplicated |
309 | report requested without eject being run |
310 | Updating of Media Manager database failed |
311 | Iron Mountain Report is already created for this session |
312 | invalid container database entry |
313 | container does not exist in container database |
314 | container database truncate operation failed |
315 | failed appending to container database |
316 | container_id is not unique in container database |
317 | container database close operation failed |
318 | container database lock operation failed |
319 | container database open operation failed |
320 | the specified container is not empty |
321 | container cannot hold any media from the specified robot |
322 | cannot find vault in vault configuration file |
323 | cannot find robot in vault configuration file |
324 | invalid data found in retention map file for duplication |
325 | unable to find policy/schedule for image using retention mapping |
326 | specified file contains no valid entry |
327 | no media ejected for the specified vault session |
328 | invalid container ID |
329 | invalid recall status |
330 | invalid database host |
331 | invalid container description |
332 | error getting information from EMM database |
333 | error getting information from media manager command line |
334 | unable to receive response from robot; robot not ready. |
335 | failure occurred while suspending media for eject |
336 | failure occurred while updating session information |
337 | failure occurred while updating the eject.mstr file |
338 | vault eject timed out |
339 | vault configuration file format error |
340 | vault configuration tag not found |
341 | vault configuration serialization failed |
342 | cannot modify – stale view |
343 | robot already exists |
344 | vault already exists |
345 | profile already exists |
346 | duplicate MAP |
347 | vault configuration cache not initialized |
348 | specified report does not exist |
349 | incorrect catalog backup policy |
350 | incorrect vault catalog backup schedule |
351 | all configured vault steps failed |
400 | Server Group Type is Invalid |
401 | Server Group Already Exists |
402 | Server Group Already Exists with a different type |
403 | Server Group Active State is not valid |
404 | Server Group does not exist |
405 | Member’s server type not compatible with Server Group |
406 | The computer specified is not a member of the server group specified |
407 | Member’s NetBackup version not compatible with Server Group |
408 | Server Group is in use |
409 | Member already exists in server group |
410 | A backup host pool with this name already exists |
411 | The backup host pool group state is not active. |
412 | The backup host pool does not exist. |
413 | The host entry in the backup host pool already exists. |
501 | You are not authorized to use this application. |
502 | No authorization entry exists in the auth.conf file for user name username. |
503 | Invalid user name. |
504 | Incorrect password. |
505 | Cannot connect to the NetBackup Java authentication service on host on the configured port – (port_number). Check the log file for more details. |
506 | Cannot connect to the NetBackup Java user service on host on port port_number. If successfully logged in before, retry your last operation. Check the log file for more details. |
507 | Socket connection to the NetBackup Java user service has been broken. Retry your last operation. Check the log file for more details. |
508 | Cannot write file. |
509 | Cannot execute program. |
510 | File already exists: file_name |
511 | NetBackup Java application server interface error. |
512 | Internal error – a bad status packet was returned by NetBackup Java application server that did not contain an exit status code. |
513 | bpjava-msvc: the client is not compatible with this server version (server_version). |
514 | NetBackup Java: bpjava-msvc is not compatible with this application version (application_version). You may try logon to a different NetBackup host or exit the application. The remote NetBackup host has to be configured with the same version of NetBackup as the host you started the application on. |
516 | Could not recognize or initialize the requested locale – (locale_NetBackup Java_was_started_in). |
517 | Cannot connect to the NetBackup Java user service by VNETD on host on port configured_port_number. If successfully logged on beforehand, retry your last operation. Check the log file for more details. |
518 | No ports available in range (port_number) through (port_number) per the NBJAVA_CLIENT_PORT_WINDOW configuration option. |
519 | nvalid NBJAVA_CLIENT_PORT_WINDOW configuration option value: (option_value). |
520 | nvalid value for NetBackup Java configuration option (option_name):(option_value). |
521 | NetBackup Java Configuration file (file_name) does not exist. |
522 | NetBackup Java Configuration file (file_name) is not readable due to the following error: (message). |
523 | NetBackup Java application server protocol error. |
525 | Cannot connect to the NetBackup Java authentication service by VNETD on (host) on port (vnetd_configured_port_number). Check the log file for more details. |
526 | bpjava authentication service connection failed |
527 | bpjava user service connection if connection to pbx on port 1556 fails |
537 | Connection to the NetBackup database was not successful. Ensure that the database service is running. |
538 | unable to login |
552 | The Certificate Revocation List (CRL) could not be downloaded and, therefore, the certificate revocation status could not be verified. For more information, see the NetBackup logs. |
555 | Unable to logon. |
600 | an exception condition occurred |
601 | unable to open listen socket |
602 | cannot set non-blocking mode on the listen socket |
603 | cannot register handler for accepting new connections |
604 | no target storage unit specified for the new job |
605 | received error notification for the job |
606 | no robot on which the media can be read |
607 | no images were found to synthesize |
608 | storage unit query failed |
609 | reader failed |
610 | endpoint terminated with an error |
611 | no connection to reader |
612 | cannot send extents to bpsynth |
613 | cannot connect to read media server |
614 | cannot start reader on the media server |
615 | internal error 615 |
616 | internal error 616 |
617 | no drives available to start the reader process |
618 | internal error 618 |
619 | internal error 619 |
620 | internal error 620 |
621 | unable to connect to bpcoord |
622 | connection to the peer process does not exist |
623 | execution of a command in a forked process failed |
624 | unable to send a start command to a reader or a writer process on media server |
625 | data marshalling error |
626 | data un-marshalling error |
627 | unexpected message received from bpsynth |
628 | insufficient data received |
629 | no message was received from bptm |
630 | unexpected message was received from bptm |
631 | received an error from bptm request to suspend media |
632 | received an error from bptm request to un-suspend media |
633 | unable to listen and register service by vnetd |
634 | no drives available to start the writer process |
635 | unable to register handle with the reactor |
636 | read from input socket failed |
637 | write on output socket failed |
638 | invalid arguments specified |
639 | specified policy does not exist |
640 | specified schedule was not found |
641 | invalid media type specified in the storage unit |
642 | duplicate backup images were found |
643 | unexpected message received from bpcoord |
644 | extent directive contained an unknown media ID |
645 | unable to start the writer on the media server |
646 | unable to get the address of the local listen socket |
647 | validation of synthetic image failed |
648 | unable to send extent message to BPXM |
649 | unexpected message received from BPXM |
650 | unable to send extent message to bpcoord |
651 | unable to issue the database query for policy |
652 | unable to issue the database query for policy information |
653 | unable to send a message to bpccord |
654 | internal error 654 |
655 | no target storage unit was specified by command line |
656 | unable to send start synth message to bpcoord |
657 | unable to accept connection from the reader |
658 | unable to accept connection from the writer |
659 | unable to send a message to the writer child process |
660 | a synthetic backup request for media resources failed |
661 | unable to send exit message to the BPXM reader |
662 | unknown image referenced in the synth context message from BPXM |
663 | image does not have a fragment map |
664 | zero extents in the synthetic image, cannot proceed |
665 | termination requested by bpcoord |
667 | unable to open pipe between bpsynth and bpcoord |
668 | pipe fgets call from bpcoord failed |
669 | bpcoord startup validation failure |
670 | send buffer is full |
671 | query for list of component images failed |
800 | resource request failed |
801 | JM internal error |
802 | JM internal protocol error |
803 | JM terminating |
805 | Invalid jobid |
806 | this mpx group is unjoinable |
807 | not externalized |
811 | failed to communicate with resource requester |
812 | failed to communicate with Resource Broker |
813 | duplicate reference string specified |
818 | retention level mismatch |
819 | unable to communicate with JM proxy |
823 | no BRMComm to join |
830 | drive(s) unavailable or down |
831 | image has been validated |
832 | failed to write discover data to a file |
833 | error parsing discovered XML data |
859 | Exceeded maximum number of retries, unable to deactivate deployment host. |
860 | Exceeded maximum number of retries, unable to activate deployment host. |
861 | The entry for exclude_file_list parameter in the job param file is not present. |
900 | retry nbrb request later |
901 | RB internal error |
902 | RB invalid argument |
903 | RB communication error |
904 | RB max reallocation tries exceeded |
905 | RB media server mismatch |
906 | RB operator denied mount request |
907 | RB user canceled resource request |
908 | RB was reset |
912 | RB disk volume mount failed |
914 | RB media reservation not found |
915 | RB disk volume mount must retry |
916 | Resource request timed out |
917 | RB multiplexing group not found |
918 | RB does not have a multiplexing group that uses this media ID or drive name |
925 | Backup host pool name is not provided in the Resource Broker request. |
927 | No backup host from configured backup host pool is available for job |
928 | The NetBackup version of the backup hosts and the configured backup host pool must be of the same version. |
1000 | Client is offline |
1001 | discovery document error |
1002 | Discovery detected a failed client |
1004 | Failed to get the Snapshot Manager name |
1005 | Missing one or more of the required policy values for unix_eca_cert_path, unix_eca_trust_store_path, or unix_eca_private_key_path. |
1006 | Missing one or more of the required policy values for win_eca_cert_path, win_eca_trust_store_path, or win_eca_private_key_path. |
1007 | Cannot specify policy values for win_eca_cert_path, win_eca_trust_store_path, win_eca_private_key_path, and win_eca_key_passphrasefile when the policy value win_eca_cert_store is specified. |
1008 | Missing required field unix_eca_crl_path. |
1009 | Missing required field win_eca_crl_path. |
1010 | Field unix_eca_crl_check_level must be use_path if field unix_eca_crl_path is specified. |
1011 | Field win_eca_crl_check_level must be use_path if field win_eca_crl_path is specified. |
1012 | Missing required field win_eca_crl_check_level. |
1013 | Invalid deployment_cert_source value, file must be specified. |
1014 | Invalid deployment_cert_source value, cert_store must be specified. |
1019 | Failed to get Snapshot Manager capability. |
1020 | Failed to get the last backup snapshot ID. |
1021 | The maintenance version that is specified is not the same base version as installed version. |
1022 | The maintenance version that is specified cannot be older than installed version, or no update required. |
1023 | Invalid package name specified. |
1024 | The BigData policy cannot be used to protect Nutanix AHV VMs using a backup host with NetBackup version 8.3 or later. |
1057 | A data corruption has been detected. |
1058 | A data inconsistency has been detected and corrected automatically. |
1227 | Key group does not have an active key. |
1229 | Key group was not found. |
1260 | Key record was not found. |
1288 | Failed to retrieve the Key Management Service (KMS) details. |
1289 | Failed to create the Key Management Service (KMS) configuration. |
1290 | Failed to update the KMS configuration. |
1291 | The NetBackup Key Management Service (NBKMS) is already configured, but not registered. |
1292 | The NetBackup Key Management Service (NBKMS) cannot be registered because it is not configured. |
1293 | The JSON string cannot be processed. |
1294 | Time-out has occurred sending the JSON string to the NetBackup key management utility. |
1295 | The JSON string cannot be read from the NetBackup key management utility as the utility is executed. |
1296 | The KMS configuration cannot be validated. |
1297 | The KMS key cannot be created. |
1298 | Cannot communicate with one or more key management servers. |
1299 | The KMS configuration pre-check failed. |
1401 | Invalid arguments received |
1402 | Hold ID or Hold name argument is invalid |
1403 | Backup ID argument is invalid |
1405 | No images are found. |
1407 | Invalid hold state |
1408 | Database error |
1409 | Unable to connect to database |
1410 | No data found |
1411 | Catalog error |
1412 | Hold record is being updated |
1413 | Requested hold is not found |
1414 | Duplicate hold found |
1415 | Duplicate image found |
1416 | Partially failed due to duplicate image |
1417 | Partially failed due to unhold image |
1418 | Requested image is not found |
1419 | Partially failed due to invalid image copy |
1420 | Cannot expire on hold image copy. |
1421 | Active holds cannot be changed |
1422 | Cannot deassign media on hold |
1423 | Unable to retrieve hold status of the image copies |
1425 | Requested hold is not found |
1426 | Retired holds cannot be changed |
1500 | Storage unit does not exist or cannot be used where specified |
1501 | Source operation cannot be used where specified |
1502 | Retention type cannot be used where specified |
1503 | Volume pool does not exist or cannot be used where specified |
1504 | Server group does not exist or cannot be used where specified |
1505 | alternate read server does not exist or cannot be used where specified |
1506 | data classification does not exist |
1507 | Invalid deferred operation flag |
1508 | Storage lifecycle policy exceeds maximum copies |
1509 | Storage lifecycle policy exceeds maximum backup operations |
1510 | storage lifecycle policy cannot have more than one snapshot operation |
1511 | storage lifecycle policy must have at least one fixed retention or snapshot rotation operation |
1512 | storage lifecycle policy must have at least one backup, import, or snapshot operation |
1513 | invalid priority |
1514 | invalid operation type |
1515 | Multiplexing value is not valid or cannot be used where specified |
1516 | all storage units or groups must be on the same media server |
1517 | Invalid retention level |
1518 | backup image is not supported by storage lifecycle policy |
1519 | Images are in process |
1521 | Database not available |
1522 | Error executing database query |
1523 | Invalid fragment |
1524 | Duplicate image record |
1525 | Invalid lsu |
1526 | Storage lifecycle policy exceeds maximum import operations |
1527 | storage lifecycle policy can have only one of backup, import, and snapshot operations |
1528 | The source copy for an Auto Image Replication is not capable of replication |
1529 | The source copy for Auto Image Replication must specify a storage unit |
1530 | Only one Auto Image Replication allowed per copy |
1531 | n import storage lifecycle policy requires one copy with remote retention type |
1532 | Import failed because the imported image specifies an SLP name which does not exist |
1533 | Import failed because the imported image data class is different than the SLP data class |
1534 | Import failed because the imported image specifies an SLP name with no import operation |
1535 | Import failed because the imported image backup ID conflicts with an existing image |
1536 | The storage unit or storage unit group cannot be deleted because an SLP references it |
1537 | Backup policy and storage lifecycle policy have conflicting configurations |
1538 | Data classification in the SLP conflicts with backup policy |
1539 | Backup policy generates snapshots but storage lifecycle policy does not handle them |
1540 | SLP expects snapshots but backup policy does not create them with SLP management enabled |
1541 | Snapshot creation failed. The maximum snapshot limit for the policy has been exceeded and no existing snapshots are eligible for expiration. |
1542 | An existing snapshot is no longer valid or cannot be mounted for subsequent operations |
1543 | Policy type is not compatible with SLP operations |
1545 | Schedule type is not compatible with SLP operations |
1546 | Capacity managed retention type is not compatible with SLP operations |
1547 | Expire after copy retention requires a dependent copy |
1548 | Retention type is not compatible with snapshot operation |
1549 | TIR information selection is not compatible with SLP operations |
1552 | The source and target storage units are not valid replication partners. |
1553 | Checkpoints are not allowed with SLP operations |
1554 | Storage unit snapshot capability is not compatible with operation characteristics |
1556 | The SLP deletion failed because a backup policy refers to it. |
1557 | Must specify mirror retention when target storage unit is mirror capable. |
1558 | Mirror retention is not allowed when target storage unit is not mirror capable. |
1559 | SLP referenced in policy or schedule not found |
1560 | Fixed or rotation retention required without a replication operation |
1561 | Policy using NDMP conflicts with multiple Backup From Snapshot operations in storage lifecycle policy |
1562 | Backup schedule generates snapshots but storage lifecycle policy does not handle them |
1563 | SLP expects snapshots but backup schedule does not create them |
1564 | Storage lifecycle policy contains errors |
1565 | Policy snapshot method is not compatible with SLP snapshot operations |
1566 | Storage unit required for snapshot operation when no other operation present |
1567 | Only one NDMP backup of a snapshot per backup ID is allowed |
1568 | Only one Index From Snapshot operation is allowed per storage lifecycle policy |
1569 | Snapshot storage unit is not configured for primary snapshots. It cannot be used in snapshot operation. |
1570 | Policy type does not support Index from Snapshot |
1571 | Policy type does not support Index from SnapshotData mover type specified in policy does not support Index from Snapshot |
1572 | Storage unit must be specified for this operation |
1573 | Backup image cannot be expired because its SLP processing is not yet complete |
1574 | Data Classification name cannot be ‘Any’ while creating new data classification |
1575 | Data Classification auto creation failed |
1576 | Topology validation failed |
1577 | Storage unit in the SLP does not match the accelerator attribute in policy |
1578 | Invalid window close options |
1579 | One or more images were not processed because the window closed |
1580 | VMware policy with PFI enabled requires an SLP |
1581 | Non-application consistent VMware policy is not compatible with snapdupe operations |
1582 | Application consistent VMware policy requires VM quiesce |
1583 | VMware policy with PFI enabled requires VIP auto discovery |
1584 | VMware policy with ‘Persistent Frozen Image’ enabled requires schedule type of Full Backup |
1585 | Backup image cannot be expired because not all dependent copies are expired |
1586 | SLP operation was canceled |
1587 | Storage lifecycle policy cannot have both target and untarget replication to remote master |
1588 | Target master server is already used in one of the replications to remote master |
1589 | Cannot connect to specified target master server |
1590 | Cannot find specified target import SLP |
1591 | No import SLP(s) found with compatible replication target device. |
1592 | Trusted master servers are being referred by one or more Storage Lifecycle Policies (SLPs) on the source or target domain. |
1593 | Replication Director for VMware policy requires mapped backups |
1594 | Failed to determine disk media ID |
1596 | Select a storage lifecycle policy that has no snapshot operation as a policy’s Storage Destination |
1597 | Replication Director for Oracle policy requires an SLP |
1598 | Oracle policy with PFI and FI enabled requires an SLP |
1599 | Application schedule storage selection cannot be a snapshot SLP |
1600 | The Policy storage is a snapshot SLP and the Application schedule does not override the policy storage selection. Snapshot SLP storage is not allowed on an Application schedule. |
1601 | Full schedule requires a snapshot SLP |
1602 | The Policy storage is not a snapshot SLP and the Full schedule does not override the policy storage selection. Snapshot SLP storage is required on the Full schedule. |
1603 | Failed to save target SLP volume information |
1604 | No import SLP(s) found with compatible data class. |
1608 | The region asset that is used as a cloud snapshot replication destination does not exist. Enter a valid region asset. |
1609 | The region asset is already used as a cloud snapshot replication destination. Provide a different region asset. |
1610 | The provided region assets associate with a different Snapshot Managers. The provided region assets must associate with the same Snapshot Manager. |
1611 | The assets that are subscribed to the protection plan belong to different Snapshot Managers. Subscribed assets must belong to the same Snapshot Manager. |
1612 | Some of the selected assets belong to a Snapshot Manager other than the Snapshot Manager of the snapshot replication destination region asset. The assets must belong to the same Snapshot Manager. |
1613 | For some of the selected assets, the source region is same as the cloud snapshot replication destination region. The source region and the cloud snapshot replication destination region must be different. |
1614 | Cloud snapshot replication is supported only for Amazon cloud assets. |
1615 | Cloud snapshot replication is not supported for the asset type region. |
1616 | Checkpoints are only allowed for the Backup from Snapshot storage lifecycle policy operation. |
1617 | Cloud snapshot indexing is not supported for the specified asset. |
1618 | This retention period is incompatible with WORM storage expiration duration. The lock minimum and maximum duration can be found in disk pool properties. An update to disk pool properties may be needed if configuration changes have been made to the underlying storage. |
1630 | While configuring a NetBackup policy with the Veritas snapshot option (VSO) FIM, you must select an SLP as Policy storage destination. |
1633 | Invalid media server is provided in the API request. |
1634 | Unable to process the EMM request. |
1635 | Unable to connect with the EMM server. |
1636 | Backup time range filter is not supported in the API request. |
1637 | Duplicate filters are not supported in the API request. |
1800 | Invalid client list |
1915 | Cannot delete instance group that contains instances (delete or move instances first) |
1916 | Database error, cannot access the instance repository |
1917 | Cannot add instance group, this group name is already in use |
1918 | Cannot find a group by this name |
1919 | Another process modified this instance, database, or instance group. |
1920 | An instance with this name and client already exists |
1921 | The specified instance or database cannot be found. |
1922 | An instance with this name/client is already registered |
1924 | Domain is a required field for Windows instances |
1925 | The requested operation(s) failed |
1926 | The entry specified already exists |
1927 | The entry specified does not exist |
1928 | The credentials for 1 or more instances could not be verified |
1932 | An instance, database, or instance group cannot be deleted or renamed when it is included in a policy. |
1933 | Cannot change instance or database state without credentials. |
1946 | The current version of NetBackup on the client is incorrect for the validation of the requested credential type. |
1952 | An availability group cannot be deleted when it is included in a policy. First remove the availability group from all policies. |
1953 | Unable to delete the asset because metadata for it exists. Expire any backup images that contain the asset and try again. |
1954 | Moving an instance to a different RAC cluster is not allowed. |
1955 | Registering a RAC instance is not allowed. |
1956 | A registered, single instance cannot be moved to a RAC cluster. |
1957 | Unable to register a RAC cluster as it does not contain any RAC instances. |
1958 | Oracle Wallet credentials cannot be used with Oracle or OS credentials. |
1960 | Addition of an Oracle alias did not succeed. |
1961 | Deletion of an Oracle alias did not succeed. |
1962 | RMAN catalog credentials that are stored in an Oracle Wallet cannot be used with Oracle or OS credentials. |
1967 | Addition of an Oracle Data Guard did not succeed. |
1968 | Deletion of an Oracle Data Guard did not succeed. |
1969 | The specified Oracle Data Guard cannot be found. |
1970 | Update of an Oracle Data Guard configuration did not succeed. |
2000 | Unable to allocate new media for backup, storage unit has none available. |
2001 | No drives are available for this job |
2002 | Invalid STU identifier type |
2003 | Drive is not allocated. |
2004 | Drive is already allocated |
2005 | MDS has received an invalid message from a media server. |
2006 | NDMP credentials are not defined in EMM. |
2007 | Storage unit is not compatible with requesting job |
2008 | All compatible drive paths are down |
2009 | All compatible drive paths are down but media is available |
2010 | Job type is invalid |
2011 | The media server reported a system error |
2012 | Media has conflicts in EMM |
2013 | Error record insert failed |
2014 | Media is not assigned |
2015 | Media is expired |
2016 | Media is assigned to another server |
2017 | Media needs to be unmounted from a drive |
2018 | Number of cleanings is invalid |
2019 | Media is in a drive that is not configured on local system |
2020 | Robotic library is down on server |
2021 | Allocation record insert failed |
2022 | Allocation status record insert failed |
2023 | Allocation identifier is not known to EMM |
2024 | Allocation request update failed |
2025 | Allocation request delete failed |
2026 | Allocation status request delete failed |
2027 | Media server is not active |
2028 | Media is reserved |
2029 | EMM database is inconsistent |
2030 | Insufficient disk space or high water mark would be exceeded |
2031 | Media is not defined in EMM |
2032 | Media is in use according to EMM |
2033 | Media has been misplaced |
2034 | Retry the allocation request later |
2035 | Request needs to pend |
2036 | Drive is in a robotic library that is up |
2037 | Drive is not ready |
2038 | Media loaded in drive is not write-enabled |
2039 | SCSI reservation conflict detected |
2040 | Maximum job count has been reached for the storage unit |
2041 | Storage unit is down |
2042 | Density mismatch detected |
2043 | Requested slot is empty |
2044 | Media is assigned to another application |
2045 | Storage unit is disabled since max job count is less than 1 |
2046 | Media is unmountable |
2047 | Media is write protected |
2048 | Media is in use by the ACS robotic library |
2049 | Media not found in the ACS robotic library |
2050 | ACS media has an unreadable external label |
2051 | ACS media is not in the drive’s domain |
2052 | An ACS Library Storage Module (LSM) is offline |
2053 | Media is in an inaccessible drive |
2054 | Media is in a drive that is currently in a DOWN state |
2055 | ACS physical drive is not available |
2056 | The file name used for the mount request already exists |
2057 | The scan host of the drive is not active |
2058 | LTID needs to be restarted on media servers before the device can be used |
2059 | The robotic library is not available |
2060 | Media needs to be rewound or unmounted from a drive |
2061 | The host is not an active node of a cluster |
2062 | Throttled job count has been reached for the storage unit |
2063 | Server is not licensed for the Remote Client Option |
2064 | Job history indicates that no media is available |
2065 | Job history indicates that no drive is available |
2066 | Disk pool not found |
2067 | Disk volume not found |
2068 | Disk volume mount point not found |
2069 | Disk volume mount point record insert failed |
2070 | The specified mount path will not fit in the allocated space |
2071 | Unable to find any storage servers for the request |
2072 | Invalid operation on static mount point |
2073 | Disk pool is down |
2074 | Disk volume is down |
2075 | Fibre Transport resources are not available |
2076 | DSM returned an unexpected error |
2078 | The maximum number of mounts for the disk volume have been exceeded |
2079 | DSM has detected that an invalid file system is mounted on the volume |
2080 | Disk volume has no max writers count |
2081 | Disk volume has no max readers count |
2082 | The drive needs to be marked as available |
2083 | The media affinity group is not defined in EMM |
2084 | Media affinity group record insert failed |
2085 | Disk volume is not available |
2086 | Disk volume cannot be used for more than one copy in the same job |
2087 | Media allocation would exceed maximum partially full media limit |
2088 | Cleaning media is not available |
2089 | FT client is not running |
2090 | FT client has no devices configured |
2091 | FT client devices are offline |
2092 | FT server devices for client are offline |
2093 | No FT servers for this client are running |
2094 | STU cannot run Lifecycle backups |
2095 | STU cannot run VMware backup |
2096 | NDMP operation does not support multiple inline copies |
2097 | Storage unit group does not exist in EMM configuration |
2098 | Media pool is not eligible for this job |
2099 | Required drive or drive path is not configured |
2100 | Maximum number of mounts has been exceeded for tape media |
2101 | Media server not found in EMM database |
2102 | Storage unit does not support spanning |
2103 | Media server mismatch |
2104 | Storage units are not available |
2105 | Storage unit requested for replication job is not replication capable |
2106 | Disk storage server is down |
2107 | Requested media server does not have credentials or is not configured for the storage server |
2108 | Requested NDMP machine does not have credentials or is not configured in NetBackup |
2109 | Requested Fibre Transport client machine was not found in NetBackup configuration |
2110 | Requested machine is not configured in NetBackup |
2111 | All storage units are configured with On Demand Only and are not eligible for jobs requesting ANY storage unit |
2112 | NetBackup media server version is too low for the operation |
2113 | Invalid or no disk array credentials are added for vserver |
2114 | Media server is not recognized. |
2205 | Snapshot replication is not supported for the specified details |
2206 | Snapshot Manager failed to retrieve network security groups against the specified plug-in instance. |
2300 | The vmRecoveryDestination field must be specified in the recovery request. |
2301 | The alternateLocationDirectory field must not be blank. |
2302 | The instanceUuid field must not be blank. |
2303 | The stagingLocation field must not be blank. |
2304 | The datastore field must not be blank. |
2305 | Invalid virtual machine user name or password. |
2306 | The vmFiles field must not be blank. |
2307 | The source field of virtual machine files must not be blank. |
2308 | The destination field of virtual machine files must not be blank. |
2309 | Failed to create the agentless recovery restore specification. |
2310 | The size field must not be blank. |
2311 | Failed to add guest virtual machine credentials. |
2312 | The alternateLocationDirectory must begin with a /. |
2313 | The source path of virtual machine files must begin with /. |
2314 | The destination path of virtual machine files must begin with /. |
2317 | Failed to remove guest virtual machine credentials. |
2318 | The appendString field must not be blank. |
2319 | Append string to file names is not supported for directories. |
2320 | Flatten directory structures is not supported for directories. |
2322 | Failed to create the staging location path. |
2323 | The staging location exists but ACLs and or permission bits set to on are insecure. |
2324 | Failed to remove the staging location and any files that are left on the recovery host. |
2325 | Specified recovery host needs to be at NetBackup version 9.0 or greater to support Restricted Restore Mode restores. |
2326 | Failed to update the recovery state file. |
2328 | The communicationType field cannot be empty. |
2329 | The targetHost field is either empty or the name is invalid |
2330 | The sshFingerprint field cannot be empty. |
2331 | The specified recovery host must be at NetBackup version 9.1 or later to support agentless restores. |
2334 | Recovery host staging location does not exist. |
2335 | A tar image was not found at the staging location on the recovery host. |
2336 | Internal error has caused failure of recovery validation. |
2337 | Not enough space available on recovery host. |
2339 | Not enough space available on target host. |
2340 | Tar is not present on the target host. |
2341 | he user does not have required permission on the target host staging location. |
2342 | The user does not have root or administrator privileges. To restore files and folders, provide user with root or administrator privileges. |
2343 | The administrator share of the target host is not accessible from the recovery host. |
2344 | The provided credentials are for a local administrator user. |
2345 | Agentless restore is not possible. |
2346 | Operating systems do not match. Ensure that the operating system of recovery host matches with the backed-up VM operating system. |
2347 | Failed to retrieve the backup image operating system. |
2348 | Recovery host operating system is not compatible with the provided communication mode. |
2349 | Target host SSH private key is invalid. |
2351 | Invalid input was received for configuring the service operation. |
2352 | Failed to generate response for the specified service operation. |
2353 | System call execution fails for the service operation. |
2354 | Unknown error has occurred while the service operation request was processed. |
2355 | Failed to start nbcctd for the specified host. |
2356 | The specified directory path does not exist. |
2357 | SQLite database error occurred. |
2358 | The specified staging size validation failed. |
2359 | Failed to register the specified virtual machine to the backup host. |
2360 | Service configuration pre-checks are not met. |
2361 | Failed to configure the specified backup host. |
2362 | Failed to retrieve the service configuration. |
2363 | Failed to remove the service configuration. |
2364 | Failed to stop the service. |
2365 | Watermarks validation failed. |
2367 | The specified host already has an active configuration. |
2368 | The host of this VM is not in a running state. |
2369 | Failed to unregister the specified VM from the backup host. |
2370 | Another CDP enabled backup is running for this VM. |
2372 | You can update CDP policy only with the same VM. |
2373 | The staging directory is not empty. |
2374 | NetBackup Accelerator must be enabled for CDP policies. |
2375 | Intelligent policy is not supported for CDP policies. |
2376 | You cannot select multiple VMs for backup in CDP policies. |
2377 | The VM is already subscribed to another policy. |
2378 | Failed to remove the specified CDP host configuration. |
2379 | Failed to start the CDP gateway service because the memory size validation failed. |
2380 | Failed to start the CDP gateway service. |
2381 | Only full backup schedule is supported for CDP policies. |
2382 | Insufficient space available on the staging path for the CDP gateway. |
2383 | NBCCTD is down for the specified host. |
2384 | Storage path does not have a supported file system. |
2385 | Provided path is to the root file system. Provide a CDP staging area path on non-root file system. |
2386 | No mount point found for the provided staging area path. |
2387 | Cannot update accelerator forced rescan property, for the CDP policy. |
2388 | Only one accelerator force rescan schedule is supported for continuous data protection policies. |
2389 | Only one accelerator force rescan schedule, and at least one full backup schedule with no accelerator force rescan, are required for CDP policies. |
2390 | Invalid backup host. |
2391 | Cannot subscribe the VM. No space available in the staging area. |
2392 | Cannot subscribe the VM. Insufficient memory available. |
2393 | The nbcctd service user on the CDP host does not have sufficient permissions to the staging directory. |
2395 | VM quota size in GB validation has failed for CDP configuration. |
2396 | VM quota reserve percentage validation has failed for CDP configuration. |
2397 | Max full-sync validation has failed for CDP configuration. |
2398 | VM quota size in GB validation has failed for CDP configuration because the VM quota size in GB must be less than staging space. |
2399 | CDP service configuration was successful but failed to add CDP host configured entry in the bp.conf file on the CDP gateway. |
2400 | CDP configuration migration is not complete. First start the CDP service manually and complete the migration. |
2401 | Cannot connect to the back-end services on the primary server or the CDP gateway. |
2402 | Cannot perform the requested CDP operation because an internal error occurred. |
2450 | Target host operating system is not supported for the agentless files or folders restore. |
2451 | Invalid target host user name or password. |
2504 | Direct expiration of a mirror copy is not allowed |
2505 | Unable to connect to the database |
2517 | Backup set identifier may only contain a-z, A-Z, 0-9 and .-+_ |
2521 | Datafile copy tag may only contain a-z, A-Z, 0-9 and .-+_ |
2522 | Oracle policy cannot include a pluggable database with a FRA backup. |
2523 | Failed to add client to NetBackup configuration. |
2524 | Catalog backup failed because the passphrase for the disaster recovery package is not set. |
2525 | The passphrase for the disaster recovery package is not set. You must set it for the catalog backups to be successful. |
2526 | The master server certificate cannot be backed up from Windows certificate store during catalog backup. |
2527 | Changes are not allowed for a template that a protection plan manages. |
2528 | Changes are not allowed for an SLP that a protection plan manages. |
2531 | The disaster recovery package was successfully created. However, one or more users who have permissions to the identity files from the package do not exist on the system. |
2532 | Schedule copies have storage units from different media servers. |
2607 | Server information is not available. |
2610 | MySQL library path is not present in Backup Selection as well as environment variables. |
2611 | Database name was not found for the MySQL backup dump. |
2612 | Invalid library path was given for MySQL backup. |
2613 | Unable to obtain MySQL credentials. |
2800 | Standard policy restore error |
2801 | Oracle policy restore error |
2802 | Informix-On-BAR policy restore error |
2803 | Sybase policy restore error |
2804 | MS-SharePoint policy restore error |
2805 | MS-Windows policy restore error |
2806 | NetWare policy restore error |
2807 | SQL-BackTrack policy restore error |
2808 | Windows File System policy restore error |
2809 | MS-SQL-Server policy restore error |
2810 | MS-Exchange policy restore error |
2811 | SAP policy restore error |
2812 | DB2 policy restore error |
2813 | NDMP policy restore error |
2814 | FlashBackup policy restore error |
2815 | AFS policy restore error |
2816 | DataStore policy restore error |
2817 | FlashBackup Windows policy restore error |
2818 | NetBackup Catalog policy restore error |
2819 | Enterprise Vault policy restore error |
2820 | NetBackup VMware policy restore error |
2821 | Hyper-V policy restore error |
2822 | Hypervisor policy restore error. |
2824 | Cloud policy restore error. |
2826 | Master server failed to connect to backup restore manager on media server for restore |
2827 | Client failed to connect to the media server for restore |
2828 | Restore failed because the MS-SQL-Server services are down |
2829 | Restore failed due to MS-SQL-Server database in use |
2830 | Restore failed due to an incorrect path in the MS-SQL-Server MOVE script |
2831 | Restore error |
2832 | Restore failed due to rename file format error |
2833 | Restore failed due to partition restore error |
2834 | Restore failed due to failure to read change block bitmap |
2835 | Restore failed due to corrupt image |
2836 | Restore failed because the bitmap size read from the image header differs from the expected size. |
2837 | Restore failed due to invalid metadata |
2838 | Restore failed because no raw partitions were found |
2839 | Restore failed due to invalid raw partition ID |
2840 | Restore failed due to out of sequence raw partitions |
2841 | Restore failed due to failure to read the header from the backup image |
2842 | Restore failed due to failure to read the VMware bitmap |
2843 | Restore failed due to failure to start VxMS |
2844 | Restore failed due to failure to read the FIID file |
2845 | Restore failed due to failure to retrieve the bitmap |
2846 | Restore failed due to failure to retrieve the fsmap |
2847 | Restore failed due to failure to start the bptm writer |
2848 | Restore failed due to failure to create the virtual machine |
2849 | Restore failed due to failure to delete the virtual machine snapshot |
2850 | Restore error |
2864 | The disaster recovery package could not be imported. |
2865 | The database table could not be loaded. |
2866 | The specified passphrase is incorrect. |
2869 | The identity package is corrupt. |
2870 | The master server certificate cannot be imported from the DR package to Windows certificate store. |
2877 | Hypervisor pre-restore operation failed. |
2880 | The recovery host in the restore specification does not support in-place virtual machine disk restores. |
2881 | Failed to query the data specific to disaster recovery package. |
2882 | The specified disaster recovery package is being restored on a host with a name that is different from the one where the package was created. |
2883 | One or more users who have permissions to the identity files that need to be backed up as part of the DR package do not exist on the system. |
2887 | Import of VM to vApp failed. |
2888 | VM has been left at vCenter after import failure. |
2893 | NetBackup FIPS mode is enabled and the specified disaster recovery package was created on a host where FIPS mode was disabled. |
2897 | Instant access mount point already exists. |
3000 | To use the Allow dynamic multi-streaming option, the VSOFIM should be selected in snapshot options. |
3002 | Client timed-out waiting for file system crawler to populate the filelist in the shared memory. |
3003 | The file system crawler process timed-out waiting for streams to attach with shared memory. |
3004 | The off-host backup for the NAS-Data-Protection policy was not selected. |
3005 | Instant Recovery snapshot only option is not supported if the checkpoint option is selected. |
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